Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wah wah look at me look at me I'm so important

Subtitle: I am a hobo

Sometimes I have days where I go from school to work (i.e. unpaid internship) to another event and there is usually a trip to the gym thrown in there. When I leave the house in the morning on days like this, this is what my bag situation looks like

Let me introduce you to the gang. From left to right: Red whole foods reusable bag used as lunch bag containing at least 2 square meals and several snacks
Back row, my "work" bag that I stuff with way too much psychology reading material and treatment manuals, please note the double water bottle holders one on each side--essential for my constant intravenous intake of water and coffee
Front row, cheetah laptop bag purchased from ebags in high school.
My hipster flannel/mixed material school bag that has nothing in it besides a single notebook and a chapstick.
My gym big.

So, first of all, I feel like a hobo. Second of all, I refuse to take this down to my car in more than one trip so I'm going to eventually break a hip or pull out my back. And then I'll feel like an old man, instead.

Some times I have free time, like when I have only one morning class and no work to go to (I reiterate: unpaid internship). Today that was spent going to my new primary care physician and I told her all of my unsubstantiated woes like "I think this is cancer" (it's not), "Is this what a heart attack feels like"? (no), "My bowel ranges from irritable to slightly preturbed" (cry about it). The result of that is that I'm healthy and

a bad ass bandage

A cholestoral finger prick

I don't remember what this was but I sure didn't like it. Also that's a just picture of my shoulder even though it looks like porno.

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