Thursday, October 21, 2010

Inappropriate gourds

 Tis the season for football and to facilitate my attention span of watching football I like to invite friends over and do things during the game. Therefore, pumpkin carving. We had a BYO-pumpkin policy. In addition to buying our two pumpkins, Adam and I picked up an inappropriate gourd. See if you can spot it in the photos! 


I made stars and moons and patterns on my pumpkin because whatever. This is such a halloweeny photo, what with my very scary kitten. And no, she is not the inappropriate gourd you have been hunting for.

The sick dragon design was done by our friend. Jealous?
Still no inappropriate gourd?

This is side one of Adam's.

This is side two.
It can be interpreted as: a man with a can of beer and a bar graph. Or, a giant picking up buildings that he has set on fire. Adam would prefer the latter interpretation.

This was done by our other friend. Jealous?

The whole bunch. 
Now do you see it???


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