Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cat Intro Stage Three: How to make her go away

Where were we? Oh yes, I had presumed that the next stage would be 'All Quiet on the Western Front' but because, "We see a lot of kittens, but none as crazy as her"-The Vet, it hasn't really worked out that way.

About two weeks ago Nuni a) stopped eating so we treated her with a laxative to hope that she'd poop and then eat. This worked a little but also it turns out she was just angry that Beatrix is a crazy pants McGee and was just trying to communicate how angry she is. Then, b) developed stress-related colitis, as in had blood in her stool.

$400 later, all cats are healthy, but I think Nuni has now gone in the other direction and has been eating more to fill the void, but I'll keep you updated.

Nuni is not pleased that Beatrix is a spitfire because Nuni is a mature princess and did not ask for the appearance of the court jester. Because Beatrix has a kitten on/off switch that makes her either totally fall asleep on her face or be a horrible monster, it is only a matter of finding ways to tire her out so Adam, myself and Nuni can have a moment to ourselves.

The first attempt: 100 meter dash across house


The second attempt: Allow her to give many kisses

As Nuni glares in horror

The third attempt: Humiliate her for accidentally leaving her tongue out

The fourth attempt: Quarantine to the blanket nest so she can't lick or claw our faces incessantly

The fifth attempt: See if she enjoys becoming an alien


The sixth event: Play with kitty bubbles with your sister

AND THAT is how you tire a Beatrix monster out

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