Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cat Intro Stage Two: Relationship status: It's complicated

Importantly, there has not yet been any murdering. There has been some light biting and batting but usually done without any growling which I like to think is a good sign. When the cats aren't running after each other, they're unconcerned by the threat of the other and tend to expose their most vulnerable parts to each other including bellys and butts, so I don't think they fear each other.

When Beatrix was released from her quarters she went was running at top speed around each room. Nuni was at first tired and disinterested and decided to maintain her superior vantage point from atop her castle

Upon being awoken from her slumbers, Nuni decided to pursue the small beastie that had taken to stealing her toys




Nuni's chasing Beatrix!

 Beatrix is chasing Nuni!!!

Nuni then went into Beatrix's quarters in order to reclaim her land


We now have an issue of Nuni eating all of Beatrix's kitten wet food. 

And--don't tell Nuni--we have the issue of Beatrix taking a dump in Nuni's litter box.

Next stage sneak peak: All quiet on the Western front.


1 comment:

  1. aww cute... glad things worked out between the kitties
