For the past year, a basketball net at a local park has gone from drooping to ripped to missing. Husband likes to shoot hoops and in addition to his whining, it has made my job as bystander/throwing-the-ball-back-er much more trying.
Inspired by the show Parks and Recreation--and by that I mean, thanks to the show I now understand that such a department exists and that they do stuff--I sent an email to ours
To whom it may concern,
The basketball net on the near basketball court next to the Navy Yard field (next to the Sons of Italy) has been broken for a few months. I'm wondering whether the Parks and Rec. department would be able to repair this? If there is someone else I should contact about this, please let me know.
Thank you,
It turns out, that there IS indeed another department to be contacted about this
The department responsible for repair of equipment is the Land
Facilities and Natural Resourses Division.
The Supervisor is ___________. His phone and email are below;
Good Luck.
The department responsible for repair of equipment is the Land
Facilities and Natural Resourses Division.
The Supervisor is ___________. His phone and email are below;
Good Luck.
I thanked Parks and Rec. for their prompt reply, but was also slightly put off by the "Good Luck" at the end.
I sent the exact same email to the "Land Facilities and Natural Resources Division", but did not hear back.
However, a week later.....